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MA Degree in Veterinary Medicine (5 years Diploma)

Location: Department of Veterinary Sciences - Grugliasco (TO)

Admission: The course admits a closed number of students

Consult the Student's guide (Manifesto degli Studi 2019/20)

STUDY GUIDE - Veterinary Medicine for Erasmus Students Academic Year 2019/2020


The curriculum of the Master Degree Course in Veterinary Medicine has a general framework valid at national level, which was established by the Ministry of Instruction, University and Research and outlined in the Ministerial Decree DM 509/1999. This DM is the body of a vast reform of the Italian university education system in compliance with the “Bologna Declaration”. Amongst other innovations, the DM 509/1999 has introduced the concept of University Learning Credits (ULCs, hereafter “credits”), in a way similar to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The credit represents the unit of measurement of the amount of training and individual work necessary for a student with an adequate basic preparation to achieve the learning objectives established for any university course. Each credit corresponds to 25 hours of learning commitment (lectures plus practicals plus individual work) by the student. Balance between lectures, practicals and individual work may vary depending on the broad area of study, the disciplines and the typology of teaching.  According to DM 509/1999, the Degree Course in Veterinary Medicine lasts five years and comprises a total number of 300 credits. Even more recently, a new law (DM 270/2004, that reviews DM 509/1999) has introduced further modifications of the general framework of all university courses, including Veterinary Medicine. DM 270/2004 defines the distribution of credits  among different disciplines, precisely indicating the minimum and the maximum number of credits to be assigned per group of disciplines. According to the new DM, disciplines have been assembled into 5 main groups:

  • basic disciplines (“discipline di base”);
  • characterizing disciplines (“discipline caratterizzanti”);
  • similar and integrative disciplines (“discipline affini e integrative”);
  • elective disciplines (“discipline a scelta”);
  • other activities (e.g., Foreign language, Obligatory extramural fieldwork, practical training etc.)

A last category is mentioned by DM 270/2004, namely the obligatory Dissertation work.

“Similar and integrative disciplines” should mirror the vocation of the geographical area and/or the expertise of the available teachers.

Approval of the "new curriculum” was achieved in April 2009, and the “new” first year finally started in September 2009. The "new curriculum” has been introduced gradually, and completely replaced  the “old” one in 2013. 

Graduates from this MA course should:

  • Have good foundations with specific backgrounds in chemistry, biochemistry, anatomy and physiology needed for understanding biological processes,
  • Be adequately trained in Veterinary Sciences to work in fields of pathology, clinics, and prevention of animal diseases as well as hygiene and quality controls for food of animal origin,
  • Know about relationships between human-animal and  animal-environment, management of livestock farms, marketing and financial management, biotechnological genetics and reproduction, molecular biology topics,
  • Have knowledge of at least one European language other than Italian
  • Have basic computer and communication skills to be used in the workplace and professional development
  • Be mature enough to work in the EC and international environments and be familiar with EU health systems as well as methodology for ongoing training and updating
  • Be prepared to  deal with a whole range of issues, from freelance clinical activities with pets and livestock to animal husbandry, form safeguarding human health for those in contact with animals to dealing with health problems related to the consumption of products of animal origin, to safeguarding the environments where animal related activities take place

EAEVE Certification

An EAEVE/FVE expert team carried out a visitation to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University Turin in 1999 during a transition period when the Faculty was leaving the old campus in downtown Turin for the newly-built site at Grugliasco. Teaching and services were not fully adapted to the new premises when the visitation took place, and numerous suggestions were made to the Faculty for improvements. In 2002, the major deficiencies had been rectified and the Faculty received EAEVE/FVE approval. In November 2010 an EAEVE expert team carried out a visitation to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (now Department of veterinary Sciences) in order to evaluate the renewal of the certification. The Faculty was fully approved and in the final report the EAEVE expert team underlined that “the Faculty is an excellent teaching, research and service facility, fulfilling all standard requirements to produce graduates with satisfactory first-day skills in all areas as outlined in EU directive 36/2005".

Ultimo aggiornamento: 28/01/2020 14:20
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